Acupuncture works by encouraging the body’s own healing process. A highly dependable treatment modality in existence for thousands of years, it is by nature simple, safe and effective.
Chinese Medicine (CM) posits that there is a system of pathways in the body, through which energy flows. When this energy runs smoothly, we experience optimal health. When the flow is blocked, we experience discomfort, pain or disease.
To perform acupuncture, we gently place very fine, sterile, single-use needles into specified points on the body to facilitate healing. Stimulation of these points by pressure and heat may also be applied. In the past several decades, acupuncture has steadily gained popularity in the United States. An increasing body of scientific evidence supports the practice as both exceptionally safe and statistically effective.
Worldwide, it brings relief to millions of people suffering from a wide variety of health concerns.
Acupuncture moderates our response to stress on mental, emotional and physical levels.
It is commonly used for management of chronic or acute pain, headaches, insomnia, anxiety and depression, digestive disorders, recovery from injuries, immune support, and women’s health. Additionally, it is an important tool in any preventive wellness plan. In terms of both historical significance and modern research, Chinese Medicine (CM) is a useful modality for internal disorders. It especially works to promote healthy hormonal balance, neurological function, and circulation.
Currently, acupuncture is recognized as a viable healing modality for over 40 health conditions by the World Health Organization (WHO). These conditions include: Tennis Elbow, Menstrual cramps,Facial pain (including craniomandibular disorders), Headache, Knee pain, Low back pain, Spine pain, Acute neck pain/stiffness, Pain in dentistry (including dental pain and temporomandibular dysfunction), Periarthritis of shoulder, Postoperative pain, Rheumatoid arthritis, Sciatica, Sprain, Abdominal pain (in acute gastroenteritis or due to gastrointestinal spasm), Cancer pain, Earache, Eye pain due to subconjunctival injection, Facial spasm, Fibromyalgia and fasciitis, Gouty arthritis, Labour pain, Neuralgia (post-herpetic), Osteoarthritis, Pain due to endoscopic examination, Pain in thromboangiitis obliterans, Radicular and pseudoradicular pain syndrome.